Empátia’s courses and education programmes are unique. They are interactive and designed to generate understanding, empathy and skills to build resilience and a better world for people affected by dementia.

For Organisations & People Affected by Dementia

The blended educational and therapeutic courses are for individuals living with early-stage dementia and those supporting a loved one with dementia. The course equips participants with the skills to sustain their quality of life through building resilience, self-sufficiency, and emotional and practical skills.

These courses can lead to significant long-term emotional and financial benefits for people affected by dementia and service providers.

Example page from the guide book

Course Options:

  • Developing & Sustaining Resilience When Supporting Someone You Love With Dementia.

    Equips participants with the tools and strategies to build and maintain long-term resilience.

  • Developing & Sustaining Resilience When Living with Cognitive Symptoms & Early Dementia.

    Empowers participants to understand and manage their symptoms, maintain identity, adapt to change, and navigate emotional challenges to sustain a good quality of life.

  • The courses are not mixed because people with dementia and family members supporting them have different needs.

  • To join a course, participants do not require a loved one’s participation in a different group.

Example page from the guide book

Or, email us on contact@empatiadementia.org

The course is built on Empátia’s 5 core principles:

Empatia's aim is to help people sustain their sense of self and quality of life at home with family through nurturing resilience.

Ongoing Counselling & Dementia Education – This core principle emphasises ongoing support through counselling and education to form understanding and resilience.

Identity & Adapting – to maintain a sense of self and adapt to challenges, rather than prematurely adopting the roles of caregiver and care recipient.

Communication & Behaviour – Understanding changes in communication and interpreting behaviours allows for empathy and harmony in relationships.

Transitions – people affected by dementia continuously experience transitions. This module helps individuals and families adapt, proactively plan, and cope with change.

Resilience & Sustainability – courses are tailored toward building and sustaining resilience, which is known to improve the quality of life of those affected by dementia and delay admission to care.

The guidebook for people with dementia makes use of larger print, starker colours, and more time is provided if required.

Course Delivery:

The courses are typically purchased by organisations that support people with dementia and family or friends supporting them.

The course will be facilitated by an Empátia Dementia Coach at your organisation.

Each course supports a maximum of 8 to 10 people to ensure therapeutic value.

Each module lasts for 2 hours but to meet the diverse needs of participants, modules can be delivered in two 1-hour sessions over consecutive weeks. This allows time to process information and emotions between sessions.

The course is a novel blend of evidence-based education and therapeutic approaches.

Throughout the course, participants create a personalised guidebook that serves as a valuable resource for navigating the challenges of dementia. This guidebook includes practical strategies, emotional coping mechanisms, and a plan for addressing future needs.

Education & Training for Organisations

Bespoke education and training programs are tailored to meet the specific needs and learning objectives of each organisation that supports people affected by dementia.

This includes organisations that want to:

  • Learn more about dementia

  • Employ and support those experiencing early symptoms of dementia.

  • Employ and support those providing care and support to a loved one with dementia.

  • Enhance the knowledge and skills of their staff through dedicated staff training programs

Bespoke courses include but are not limited to:

  • An Introduction to Dementia

  • An Introduction to the Brain and Dementia

  • Supporting Family Caregivers of People with Dementia

  • Getting Through Winter for People Supporting a Loved One with Dementia

  • Oral Health for People Living with Dementia

  • Therapies of the Future

  • Pain and Dementia

  • Communication in Dementia

  • Behaviour and Dementia – What it Means

  • Eating & Drinking with Dementia

  • Personal Care in Dementia

Or, email us on contact@empatiadementia.org